SNMPv3 CLI Documentation

SNMPv3 (Simple Network Management Protocol Version 3) is an enhanced version of SNMP, providing secure communication with features like encryption, authentication, and access control. It is widely used for monitoring and managing devices in a secure environment. Refer to Simple Network Management Protocol Version 3[1] for more details.

The MetricsHub SNMPv3 CLI allows users to interact with SNMPv3-enabled devices through GET, GETNEXT, WALK, and TABLE queries. Users can configure options such as authentication, encryption, and context name.


SNMPv3 Get Request

snmpv3cli <HOSTNAME> --get <OID> --privacy <DES|AES> --privacy-password <PASSWORD> --auth <SHA|MD5> --username <USERNAME> --password <PASSWORD> --context-name <CONTEXT> --timeout <TIMEOUT> --retry <INTERVAL1>,<INTERVAL2>,...

SNMPv3 Get Next Request

snmpv3cli <HOSTNAME> --getNext <OID> --privacy <DES|AES> --privacy-password <PASSWORD> --auth <SHA|MD5> --username <USERNAME> --password <PASSWORD> --context-name <CONTEXT> --timeout <TIMEOUT> --retry <INTERVAL1>,<INTERVAL2>,...

SNMPv3 Walk Request

snmpv3cli <HOSTNAME> --walk <OID> --privacy <DES|AES> --privacy-password <PASSWORD> --auth <SHA|MD5> --username <USERNAME> --password <PASSWORD> --context-name <CONTEXT> --timeout <TIMEOUT> --retry <INTERVAL1>,<INTERVAL2>,...

SNMPv3 Table Request

snmpv3cli <HOSTNAME> --table <OID> --columns <COLUMN,COLUMN,...> --privacy <DES|AES> --privacy-password <PASSWORD> --auth <SHA|MD5> --username <USERNAME> --password <PASSWORD> --context-name <CONTEXT> --timeout <TIMEOUT> --retry <INTERVAL1>,<INTERVAL2>,...


Option Description Default Value
HOSTNAME Hostname or IP address of the SNMPv3-enabled device. This option is required. None
--privacy Encryption type. Possible values: DES, AES, or none. None
--privacy-password Password for SNMPv3 encryption. None
--auth Authentication type. Possible values: SHA, MD5, or NO_AUTH. None
--username Username for SNMPv3 authentication. None
--password Password for SNMPv3 authentication. If not provided, you will be prompted interactively. None
--context-name Context name for SNMPv3. None
--timeout Timeout in seconds for SNMPv3 operations. 5
--port Port of the SNMPv3 agent. 161
--retry Comma-separated retry intervals in milliseconds (e.g., 500,1000). None
--get OID for SNMPv3 Get request. None
--getNext OID for SNMPv3 Get Next request. None
--walk OID for SNMPv3 Walk request. None
--table OID for SNMPv3 Table request. None
--columns Comma-separated columns for SNMPv3 Table request. None
-v Enables verbose mode. Use -v for basic logs, -vv for detailed logs. None
-h, --help Displays detailed help information about available options. None


Example 1: SNMPv3 Get Request

snmpv3cli dev-01 --get --privacy AES --privacy-password privacyPassword --auth MD5 --username admin --password secret --context-name context --timeout 120 --retry 500,1000

Example 2: SNMPv3 Get Next Request

snmpv3cli dev-01 --getNext --privacy AES --privacy-password privacyPassword --auth SHA --username admin --password secret --context-name context --timeout 120 --retry 500,1000

Example 3: SNMPv3 Walk Request

snmpv3cli dev-01 --walk --privacy DES --privacy-password privacyPassword --auth SHA --username admin --password secret --context-name context --timeout 120 --retry 500,1000

Example 4: SNMPv3 Table Request

snmpv3cli dev-01 --table --columns 1,3,8,9,11 --privacy AES --privacy-password privacyPassword --auth MD5 --username admin --password secret --context-name context --timeout 120 --retry 500,1000
No results.