SSH CLI Documentation

The MetricsHub SSH CLI allows you to execute commands on SSH-enabled devices. When running the CLI, you can choose to authenticate yourself with credentials or a public key and configure additional settings, such as timeout and port.

Before using the CLI, ensure your platform supports SSH monitoring by checking the Connector Directory[1].


SSH with Username and Password

sshcli <HOSTNAME> --username <USERNAME> --password <PASSWORD> --command <COMMAND> --timeout <TIMEOUT> --port <PORT>

SSH with Public Key Authentication

sshcli <HOSTNAME> --public-key <PATH> --command <COMMAND> --timeout <TIMEOUT> --port <PORT>


Option Description Default Value
HOSTNAME Hostname or IP address of the SSH-enabled device. This option is required. None
--username Username for SSH authentication. None
--password Password for SSH authentication. If not provided, you will be prompted interactively. None
--public-key Path to the public key file for SSH authentication. None
--command Command to execute on the remote device. sudo
--timeout Timeout in seconds for the SSH operation. 30
--port Port for the SSH connection. 22
-v Enables verbose mode. Use -v for basic logs, -vv for detailed logs. None
-h, --help Displays detailed help information about available options. None


Example 1: Basic Authentication with Username and Password

sshcli dev-01 --username admin --password secret --command="echo Hello, World!" --timeout 30 --port 22

Example 2: Authentication with Public Key

sshcli dev-01 --public-key="/opt/ssh-rsa.txt" --command="ls /home/admin" --timeout 30 --port 22

Example 3: SSH Command with Interactive Password Input

sshcli dev-01 --username admin --command="whoami"

The CLI prompts for the password if not provided.

No results.