ICMP Ping CLI Documentation

The MetricsHub Ping CLI is a command-line utility you can use to execute ICMP ping requests against your resources to verify that they can be reached within an acceptable response time.


pingcli <HOSTNAME> --timeout <TIMEOUT>


Option Description Default Value
HOSTNAME Hostname or IP address of the host to ping. This option is required. None
--timeout Timeout in seconds for the ICMP Ping operation. 5
-v Enables verbose mode. Use -v for basic logs, -vv for detailed logs. None
-h, --help Displays detailed help information about available options. None


Example 1: Basic ICMP Ping

pingcli dev-01

Example 2: ICMP Ping with Custom Timeout

pingcli dev-01 --timeout 10

Example 3: ICMP Ping with Debug Verbose Mode

pingcli dev-01 --timeout 5 -vvv
No results.