MetricsHub Logs

The MetricsHub Agent automatically sets its internal logging system to error to capture and record any error that may arise during operation. Important errors are therefore readily available in the metricshub-agent-*-$timestamp.log files.

If you need more comprehensive details to troubleshoot your issues, you can enable the logging mode to obtain these logs:

  • metricshub-agent-global-error-$timestamp.log: this file logs all fatal errors such as an application crash upon start-up
  • metricshub-agent-global-$timestamp.log: this file provides the agent global information (agent status, user, version, scheduler, yaml parser, etc.)
  • metricshub-agent-$resourceId-$timestamp.log: this file logs information about the monitored resource.

Enabling the logging mode

In the config/metricshub.yaml file, add the loggerLevel parameter just before the resourceGroups section:

loggerLevel: debug

    # [...]

Set the loggerLevel parameter to:

  • all, trace, or debug to get more comprehensive details
  • error or fatal to focus on identifying critical issues.

The output files are saved by default in the logs directory located under the MetricsHub directory:

  • On Windows, the output files are stored in the %LOCALAPPDATA%\MetricsHub folder of the account running the application:

    • When the Local System account starts the MetricsHub Agent service, the output files are stored under C:\Windows\System32\config\systemprofile\AppData\Local\MetricsHub\logs.
    • When a specific user starts the MetricsHub Agent service, the output files are stored under C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\MetricsHub\logs.
  • On Linux, the output files are stored in the installation directory: /opt/metricshub/logs.

To specify a different output directory, edit the metricshub.yaml file and add the outputDirectory parameter before the resourceGroups section:

loggerLevel: debug
outputDirectory: C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Temp\logs2021

  # [...]

Disabling the debug mode

Set loggerlevel to off to disable the debug mode.

No results.