
Two Editions to Suit Every Need: Community for Free, Enterprise for Full Coverage.

Features Community Enterprise
Remote monitoring
Sustainability metrics
Community Connectors (20+)
Enterprise Connectors (200+)
Installable packages
Embedded, managed, and secured OpenTelemetry Collector
Support for MetricsHub®
Support for Prometheus
Price Free $15 /host/month Get a personalized quote
Download Try it nowFree 30-day trial period

Enterprise Edition

Because Quality Pays Off!

Improve IT staff productivity by 5% (and more)

  • Installable package for faster setup on RedHat, Debian, Docker, and Windows
  • Embedded OpenTelemetry collector for easier deployment
  • Integrated Prometheus for minimal maintenance and stability
  • Single-agent service for simplified management and reduced overhead
  • Centralized metrics collection to improve efficiency and minimize instrumentation
  • Standardized monitoring practices and metrics for improved interoperability
  • Access to expert advice 24x7 to get answers instantly without endless internet searches

Save 7% on energy costs

  • Tracking of usage and carbon emissions in your entire IT infrastructure to identify and address overconsuming assets
  • Temperature optimization recommendations to reduce cooling costs in data center

Reduce downtime by 20%

  • Detection of hardware and system failures in 200+ Enterprise systems before they impact the service
  • Managed and secured setup to ensure that data collection processes adhere to security best practices, reducing vulnerabilities and safeguarding sensitive information
  • Faster and more accurate problem resolution, enhancing system reliability and performance

Maximize Savings with Infrastructure Vendors

  • Negotiate better deals: With the Enterprise Edition, you gain the leverage of vendor independence. By not being locked into a single provider, you can compare multiple vendors and secure better pricing, often resulting in up to 10% additional discounts.
  • Freedom of choice: Select the best hardware that suits your needs without worrying about compatibility constraints. This flexibility allows you to optimize performance while lowering costs.