
Enterprise Edition


From MetricsHub's Web site[1], download metricshub-enterprise-debian-1.1.00-amd64.deb and copy into /usr/local.


Once you have downloaded the Debian package, run the following dpkg command:

cd /usr/local
sudo dpkg -i metricshub-enterprise-debian-1.1.00-amd64.deb

When complete, the MetricsHub's files are deployed in /opt/metricshub and the MetricsHub Enterprise Agent is started as a service.


  • In the ./lib/config/metricshub.yaml file, located under the /opt/metricshub installation directory, configure the resources to be monitored.[2]
  • In the ./lib/otel/otel-config.yaml file, located under the /opt/metricshub installation directory, specify where the OpenTelemetry Collector should send the collected data[3].

To assist with the setup process, two configuration examples are provided for guidance in the installation directory (./metricshub):

  • ./lib/config/metricshub-config-example.yaml, a configuration example of the MetricsHub agent.
  • ./lib/otel/otel-config-example.yaml, a configuration example of the OpenTelemetry Collector.


To start the MetricsHub Enterprise service, run the command below:

systemctl start metricshub-enterprise-service

This will start MetricsHub with the default MetricsHub Enterprise Agent configuration file, ./lib/config/metricshub.yaml.


To stop the MetricsHub Enterprise service, run the command below:

systemctl stop metricshub-enterprise-service


To uninstall MetricsHub Enterprise, run the command below:

sudo dpkg -r metricshub


If you have installed a previous version of MetricsHub Enterprise and want to upgrade to the latest version 1.1.00, follow these steps:

  1. From MetricsHub's Web site[1], download metricshub-enterprise-debian-1.1.00-amd64.deb and copy the file into the /usr/local directory.

  2. Run the following command to stop the MetricsHub Enterprise service:

    systemctl stop metricshub-enterprise-service
  3. Run the following dpkg command:

    cd /usr/local
    sudo dpkg -i metricshub-enterprise-debian-1.1.00-amd64.deb

Community Edition


Download the Linux package, metricshub-linux-1.0.01.tar.gz, from the MetricsHub Release v1.0.01[4] page using the following command:

wget -P /tmp


Unzip and untar the content of metricshub-linux-1.0.01.tar.gz into a program directory, like /opt. There is no need to create a specific subdirectory for metricshub as the archive already contains a metricshub directory.

cd /opt
sudo tar xzf /tmp/metricshub-linux-1.0.01.tar.gz


In the ./lib/config/metricshub.yaml file, located under the ./metricshub installation directory, configure:

To assist with the setup process, the configuration example ./lib/config/metricshub-example.yaml is provided for guidance in the installation directory (./metricshub).


To start MetricsHub in an interactive terminal with the default configuration file ./lib/config/metricshub.yaml, run the command below:

cd /opt/metricshub/bin

To start MetricsHub with an alternate configuration file, run the command below:

cd /opt/metricshub/bin
./service --config <PATH>


cd /opt/metricshub/bin
./service --config config/my-metricshub.yaml

To start MetricsHub as a Linux service, follow the steps below:

  • Create a systemd service file

    Create a file (for example: /etc/systemd/system/metricshub-service.service) and define the MetricsHub Service configuration as follows:

    Description=MetricsHub Service
  • Reload systemd

    After creating the Linux service file, reload systemd to recognize the new service.

    systemctl daemon-reload
  • Start the MetricsHub Service

    systemctl start metricshub-service

    To enable the Linux service to start on boot, run the command below:

    systemctl enable metricshub-service
  • Check status

    To verify that the MetricsHub Service is running without errors, run the command below:

    systemctl status metricshub-service

    This will give you information about the current status of your service.


Interactive Terminal

To manually stop the MetricsHub Service in an interactive terminal, use the keyboard shortcut CTRL+C. This will interrupt the running process and terminate the MetricsHub Service.

Background Process

If the MetricsHub Service is running in the background, follow these steps to stop it:

  1. Run the ps command to get the MetricsHub Service PID:

    ps aux | grep service
  2. Write down the PID associated with the MetricsHub Service.

  3. Terminate the process using the kill command below:

    kill -9 <PID>

where <PID> should be replaced with the actual process ID.


To stop the MetricsHub Service that is started as a Linux service, run the command below:

systemctl stop <metricshub-service>

where <metricshub-service> should be replaced with the actual service name. For example, metricshub-service if the systemd service file is /etc/systemd/system/metricshub-service.service


  1. Stop the MetricsHub Service.

  2. Remove the entire metricshub directory.

    rm -rf /opt/metricshub

If the MetricsHub Service was set up as a Linux Service, delete the file /etc/systemd/system/metricshub-service.service and run the below command to reload systemd:

systemctl daemon-reload
No results.