
Enterprise Edition


From MetricsHub's Web site[1], download metricshub-enterprise-debian-1.0.00-docker.tar.gz and copy into /tmp.


First, unzip and untar the content of metricshub-enterprise-debian-1.0.00-docker.tar.gz into a docker directory, like /docker.

sudo mkdir -p /docker
sudo tar xzf /tmp/metricshub-enterprise-debian-1.0.00-docker.tar.gz -C /docker

Then, build the docker image using the following command:

cd /docker/metricshub
sudo docker build -t metricshub:latest .


  • In the ./lib/config/metricshub.yaml file, located under the /docker/metricshub installation directory, configure the resources to be monitored[2].
  • In the ./lib/otel/otel-config.yaml file, located under the /docker/metricshub installation directory, specify where the OpenTelemetry Collector should send the collected data[3].

To assist with the setup process, two configuration examples are provided for guidance in the installation directory (./metricshub):

  • ./lib/config/metricshub-config-example.yaml, a configuration example of the MetricsHub agent.
  • ./lib/otel/otel-config-example.yaml, a configuration example of the OpenTelemetry Collector.


You can start MetricsHub with the command below:

cd /docker/metricshub
sudo docker run -d --name=metricshub -p 24375:24375 -p 13133:13133 -v /docker/metricshub/lib/config:/opt/metricshub/lib/config -v /docker/metricshub/lib/otel:/opt/metricshub/lib/otel -v /docker/metricshub/lib/logs:/opt/metricshub/lib/logs -v /docker/metricshub/lib/security:/opt/metricshub/lib/security metricshub:latest

This will start MetricsHub with the default MetricsHub Enterprise Agent configuration file, ./lib/config/metricshub.yaml.

Docker Compose Example

You can start MetricsHub with docker-compose:

sudo docker-compose up -d --build

Example docker-compose.yaml

version: "2.1"
    build: .                                        # for image we will use ``image: sentrysoftware/metricshub:latest``
    container_name: metricshub
      - 13133:13133                                   # OpenTelemetry Collector HealthCheck
      - 24375:24375                                   # OpenTelemetry Collector Prometheus Exporter
      - ./lib/logs:/opt/metricshub/lib/logs                # Mount the volume ./lib/logs into /opt/metricshub/lib/logs in the container
      - ./lib/config:/opt/metricshub/lib/config            # Mount the volume ./lib/config into /opt/metricshub/lib/config in the container
      - ./lib/otel:/opt/metricshub/lib/otel                # Mount the volume ./lib/otel into /opt/metricshub/lib/otel in the container
      - ./lib/security:/opt/metricshub/lib/security        # Mount the volume ./lib/security into /opt/metricshub/lib/security in the container
    restart: unless-stopped

Community Edition


Download the Docker package, metricshub-linux-0.9.06-docker.tar.gz, from the MetricsHub Release v0.9.06[4] page using the following command:

wget -P /tmp


Unzip and untar the content of metricshub-linux-0.9.06-docker.tar.gz into a directory, like /docker.

sudo mkdir -p /docker
sudo tar xzf /tmp/metricshub-linux-0.9.06-docker.tar.gz -C /docker


In the ./lib/config/metricshub.yaml file, locally under the ./metricshub installation directory, configure:

To assist with the setup process, the configuration example ./lib/config/metricshub-example.yaml is provided for guidance in the installation directory (./metricshub).

Build the docker image

Run the following command to build the docker image:

cd /docker/metricshub
sudo docker build -t metricshub:latest .


Run the following command to start MetricsHub with the default configuration file, ./lib/config/metricshub.yaml:

cd /docker/metricshub
sudo docker run -d --name=metricshub metricshub:latest

You can start MetricsHub with an alternate configuration file with the following command:

cd /docker/metricshub
sudo docker run -d --name=metricshub -v /docker/metricshub/lib/config:/opt/metricshub/lib/config -v /docker/metricshub/lib/logs:/opt/metricshub/lib/logs metricshub:latest

Docker Compose Example

You can start MetricsHub with docker compose:

sudo docker compose up -d --build

Example (docker-compose.yaml):

version: "2.1"
    # for image we will use ``image: sentrysoftware/metricshub:latest``
    build: .
    container_name: metricshub
      # Mount the volume ./lib/logs into /opt/metricshub/lib/logs in the container
      - ./lib/logs:/opt/metricshub/lib/logs
      # Mount the volume ./lib/config into /opt/metricshub/lib/config in the container
      - ./lib/config:/opt/metricshub/lib/config
    restart: unless-stopped


To stop MetricsHub started as a docker container, run the following command:

sudo docker stop metricshub

Docker Compose:

If you are using docker compose from the ./metricshub directory, run the following command to stop MetricsHub:

sudo docker compose down


To force-stop and remove the MetricsHub container, run the following commands:

cd /docker/metricshub
sudo docker stop -f metricshub
sudo docker rm -f metricshub

Adjust the commands to meet your specific requirements for stopping and removing the Docker container running MetricsHub.

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