MetricsHub Enterprise 1.1.00
Connectors directory[1] Full listing of connectors[2]
Discover all the available connectors related to the windows
Name | Connector ID | Platform | Operating Systems | Technology/Protocols | Enterprise |
Adaptec IOManager[3] | IOManager[3] | Adaptec, Fujitsu PRIMERGY | Microsoft Windows, Linux | SNMP |
✓ |
Adaptec Storage Manager Web Edition (AAC)[4] | AAC[4] | Adaptec, Fujitsu PRIMERGY | Microsoft Windows, Linux | SNMP |
✓ |
Dell OpenManage Array Manager[5] | DellArrayManager[5] | Dell PowerEdge | Microsoft Windows, Linux | SNMP |
✓ |
Dell OpenManage Server Administrator[6] | DellOpenManage[6] | Dell PowerEdge | Microsoft Windows, Linux | SNMP |
✓ |
Dell OpenManage Storage Manager[7] | DellStorageManager[7] | Dell PowerEdge | Microsoft Windows, Linux | SNMP |
✓ |
EMC PowerPath (powermt)[8] | EMCPowerPath[8] | Dell EMC PowerPath | Microsoft Windows, Linux, Oracle Solaris, HP-UX, IBM AIX | Commands |
✓ |
Fujitsu-Siemens Serverview[9] | ServerviewNT[9] | Fujitsu PRIMERGY | Microsoft Windows, Linux | SNMP |
✓ |
Fujitsu-Siemens Serverview (WMI)[10] | ServerviewWMI[10] | Fujitsu PRIMERGY | Microsoft Windows | WMI/WinRM |
✓ |
Fujitsu-Siemens Serverview - Agent (v8 or higher)[11] | ServerviewNTv8[11] | Fujitsu PRIMERGY | Microsoft Windows, Linux | SNMP |
✓ |
Fujitsu-Siemens ServerView RAID Agent[12] | FscRaid[12] | Fujitsu PRIMERGY | Microsoft Windows, Linux | SNMP |
✓ |
Fusion ioDrive (fio-status)[13] | FusionIO[13] | Fusion-io | Microsoft Windows, Linux, Oracle Solaris | Commands |
✓ |
Hitachi HDS AMS/HUS (SNM2 CLI on Windows)[14] | HitachiSNM2CLINT[14] | Hitachi AMS, Hitachi HUS | Storage System | Commands |
✓ |
HP BladeSystem (SNMP)[15] | HPBladeSystem[15] | HPE BladeSystem | Out-Of-Band, Microsoft Windows, Linux, Oracle Solaris | SNMP |
✓ |
HP Insight Management Agent (v8.20 or lower) - Memory[16] | CpqSiMem[16] | HPE ProLiant | Microsoft Windows, Linux, HP Tru64, HP OpenVMS, Out-Of-Band, Oracle Solaris | SNMP |
✓ |
HP Insight Management Agent (v8.25 or higher) - Memory[17] | CpqHeResMem2[17] | HPE ProLiant | Microsoft Windows, Linux, HP Tru64, HP OpenVMS, Out-Of-Band, Oracle Solaris | SNMP |
✓ |
HP Insight Management Agent - Drive Array[18] | CpqDriveArrayNT[18] | HPE ProLiant | Microsoft Windows, Linux, HP OpenVMS, HP Tru64, Out-Of-Band, Oracle Solaris | SNMP |
✓ |
HP Insight Management Agent - Fiber Array[19] | CpqFCADriveArray[19] | HPE ProLiant | Microsoft Windows, Linux, HP Tru64, HP OpenVMS, Out-Of-Band, Oracle Solaris | SNMP |
✓ |
HP Insight Management Agent - HBA[20] | CpqHBA[20] | HPE ProLiant | Microsoft Windows, Linux, HP Tru64, HP OpenVMS, Out-Of-Band, Oracle Solaris | SNMP |
✓ |
HP Insight Management Agent - IDE Storage[21] | CpqIDEDriveArray[21] | HPE ProLiant | Microsoft Windows, Linux, HP Tru64, HP OpenVMS, Out-Of-Band, Oracle Solaris | SNMP |
✓ |
HP Insight Management Agent - iLO[22] | CpMgSm2[22] | HPE ProLiant | Microsoft Windows, Linux, HP OpenVMS, HP Tru64, Out-Of-Band, Oracle Solaris | SNMP |
✓ |
HP Insight Management Agent - Network[23] | CpqNIC[23] | HPE ProLiant | Microsoft Windows, Linux, HP Tru64, HP OpenVMS, Oracle Solaris | SNMP |
✓ |
HP Insight Management Agent - SCSI Storage[24] | CpqSCSIDriveArray[24] | HPE ProLiant | Microsoft Windows, Linux, HP Tru64, HP OpenVMS, Out-Of-Band, Oracle Solaris | SNMP |
✓ |
HP Insight Management Agent - Server[25] | CpMgServNT[25] | HPE ProLiant | Microsoft Windows, Linux, HP Tru64, HP OpenVMS, Out-Of-Band, Oracle Solaris | SNMP |
✓ |
HP Insight Management Agent - Server (WMI)[26] | HPInsightwmi[26] | HPE ProLiant | Microsoft Windows | WMI/WinRM |
✓ |
Hyper-V[27] | HyperV[27] | Microsoft Windows | Microsoft Windows | Commands |
IBM Director Agent 5.10.x - Windows[28] | Director5NT[28] | IBM xSeries | Microsoft Windows | WMI/WinRM |
✓ |
IBM Director Agent 5.20.x - Windows[29] | Director52NT[29] | IBM xSeries | Microsoft Windows | WMI/WinRM |
✓ |
IBM Director Agent 6 - Windows[30] | Director61NT[30] | IBM xSeries | Microsoft Windows | WMI/WinRM |
✓ |
Intel Base Board 5 Motherboards[31] | IntelBaseBrd5[31] | Intel | Microsoft Windows, Linux | SNMP |
✓ |
IPMI[32] | IpmiTool[32] | IPMI | Linux, Oracle Solaris, Microsoft Windows, Out-Of-Band | IPMI |
Libre Hardware Monitor[33] | LibreHardwareMonitor[33] | Microsoft Windows | Microsoft Windows | WMI/WinRM |
LSI 1030-based GAM Server[34] | LSI1030[34] | Fujitsu PRIMERGY, LSI | Microsoft Windows, Linux | SNMP |
✓ |
LSI 1030-based GAM Server (Alternate MIB)[35] | LSI1030Alt[35] | Fujitsu PRIMERGY, LSI | Microsoft Windows, Linux | SNMP |
✓ |
LSI Logic - LsiUtil - RAID (Windows)[36] | LSIUtilWindows[36] | LSI, Microsoft Windows | Microsoft Windows | Commands |
✓ |
LSI MegaCli[37] | LSIMegaCliWindows[37] | LSI, Microsoft Windows | Microsoft Windows | Commands |
✓ |
LSI/Mylex GAM Server[38] | MylexController[38] | Fujitsu PRIMERGY, LSI | Microsoft Windows, Linux | SNMP |
✓ |
LsiLogic MegaRAID PowerConsole[39] | MegaRaidPowerConsole[39] | Fujitsu PRIMERGY, LSI | Microsoft Windows, Linux | SNMP |
✓ |
LsiLogic MegaRAID SAS[40] | LSIMegaRaidSAS[40] | Fujitsu PRIMERGY, LSI | Microsoft Windows, Linux | SNMP |
✓ |
LsiLogic MegaRAID SAS (Newer Controllers)[41] | LSIMegaRaidSAS5[41] | Fujitsu PRIMERGY, LSI | Microsoft Windows, Linux | SNMP |
✓ |
MIB-2 Standard SNMP Agent - Network Interfaces - Windows[42] | MIB2NT[42] | Microsoft Windows, SNMP | Microsoft Windows | SNMP |
MySQL[43] | MySQL[43] | MySQL | Microsoft Windows, Linux | SQL/JDBC |
NEC ESMPRO Agent[44] | NECEsmPro[44] | NEC Express 5800 | Microsoft Windows, Linux | SNMP |
✓ |
Nvidia-Smi[45] | NvidiaSmi[45] | Linux, Microsoft Windows, Nvidia | Microsoft Windows, Linux | Commands |
Oracle Hardware Management Agent[46] | SunHwMon[46] | Sun/Oracle Servers | Microsoft Windows, Linux, Oracle Solaris | SNMP |
✓ |
Promise FastTrack[47] | PromiseFSC[47] | Fujitsu PRIMERGY | Microsoft Windows, Linux | SNMP |
✓ |
SMI-S Compliant HBAs[48] | SMISHBA[48] | SMI-S | Microsoft Windows, Linux, IBM AIX, HP-UX, HP Tru64, HP OpenVMS, Oracle Solaris, Out-Of-Band | WBEM |
✓ |
SMI-S Compliant RAID Controller - Windows[49] | Director52ServeRAIDNT[49] | SMI-S | Microsoft Windows | WMI/WinRM |
✓ |
Windows - DiskPart[50] | DiskPart[50] | Microsoft Windows | Microsoft Windows | Commands |
Windows - Processes (WMI)[51] | WindowsProcess[51] | Microsoft Windows | Microsoft Windows | WMI/WinRM |
Windows - Services (WMI)[52] | WindowsService[52] | Microsoft Windows | Microsoft Windows | WMI/WinRM |
Windows Storage Spaces (WMI)[53] | WinStorageSpaces[53] | Microsoft Windows | Microsoft Windows | WMI/WinRM |
WindowsOS[54] | Windows[54] | Microsoft Windows | Microsoft Windows | WMI/WinRM |
WMI - Battery[55] | GenBatteryNT[55] | Microsoft Windows | Microsoft Windows | WMI/WinRM |
WMI - Disks[56] | WBEMGenDiskNT[56] | Microsoft Windows | Microsoft Windows | WMI/WinRM |
WMI - HBA[57] | WBEMGenHBA[57] | Microsoft Windows | Microsoft Windows | WMI/WinRM |
WMI - LUN[58] | WBEMGenLUN[58] | Microsoft Windows | Microsoft Windows | WMI/WinRM |
WMI - Network[59] | WBEMGenNetwork[59] | Microsoft Windows | Microsoft Windows | WMI/WinRM |
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