Connectors directory[1]   Full listing of connectors[2]


Discover all the available connectors related to the LSI platform.

Name Connector ID Platform Operating Systems Technology/Protocols Enterprise
LSI 1030-based GAM Server[3] LSI1030[3] Fujitsu PRIMERGY, LSI Microsoft Windows, Linux SNMP
LSI 1030-based GAM Server (Alternate MIB)[4] LSI1030Alt[4] Fujitsu PRIMERGY, LSI Microsoft Windows, Linux SNMP
LSI Logic - LsiUtil - RAID[5] LSIUtilUNIX[5] LSI, Linux Linux, Oracle Solaris Commands
LSI Logic - LsiUtil - RAID (Windows)[6] LSIUtilWindows[6] LSI, Microsoft Windows Microsoft Windows Commands
LSI MegaCli[7] LSIMegaCliWindows[7] LSI, Microsoft Windows Microsoft Windows Commands
LSI sas2ircu Managed Raid Controllers[8] LSIsas2ircu[8] LSI, Linux Linux Commands
LSI/Mylex GAM Server[9] MylexController[9] Fujitsu PRIMERGY, LSI Microsoft Windows, Linux SNMP
LsiLogic MegaRAID PowerConsole[10] MegaRaidPowerConsole[10] Fujitsu PRIMERGY, LSI Microsoft Windows, Linux SNMP
LsiLogic MegaRAID SAS[11] LSIMegaRaidSAS[11] Fujitsu PRIMERGY, LSI Microsoft Windows, Linux SNMP
LsiLogic MegaRAID SAS (Newer Controllers)[12] LSIMegaRaidSAS5[12] Fujitsu PRIMERGY, LSI Microsoft Windows, Linux SNMP
No results.