Quick Start - Windows

This quick start guide provides step-by-step instructions for operating MetricsHub and Prometheus in a Windows environment, ensuring you can efficiently monitor your systems.

After completing this quick start, you will have:

  • MetricsHub and Prometheus installed on your machine
  • The MetricsHub Agent configured to collect hardware metrics from your local host and push data to Prometheus
  • MetricsHub and Prometheus up and running
  • Hardware metrics available in Prometheus.

Step 1: Install MetricsHub

  1. Download the latest package, metricshub-windows-0.9.03.zip, from the MetricsHub Releases[1] page

  2. Right-click on the archive, select Extract All…, enter C:\Program Files\, and click Extract. This will place the MetricsHub directory in C:\Program Files\.

Note: You will need administrative privileges to unzip into C:\Program Files.

Step 2: Install Prometheus

  1. Download prometheus-{version}.windows-{architecture}.zip[2]

  2. Right-click the archive, select Extract All…", enter C:\Program Files\, and click Extract. This will place the prometheus-{version}.windows-{architecture} directory in C:\Program Files\

  3. Under C:\Program Files\, rename the prometheus-{version}.windows-{architecture} directory to Prometheus.

Note: Make sure to use the corresponding Prometheus version and CPU architecture for {version} and {architecture}. For example, prometheus-2.52.0.windows-amd64 for version 2.52.0 and amd64 architecture.

Step 3: Configure the MetricsHub Agent

Create your configuration file

  1. Before creating your configuration file (metricshub.yaml), ensure that the required directories exist. If they do not, open a Command Prompt and run the following commands to create them:

    mkdir C:\ProgramData\metricshub
    mkdir C:\ProgramData\metricshub\config
  2. Copy the configuration example metricshub-example.yaml available in C:\Program Files\MetricsHub\config\, paste it into C:\ProgramData\metricshub\config\ and rename the file to metricshub.yaml.

Configure localhost monitoring

The metricshub-example.yaml file you copied already contains the necessary configuration to monitor your localhost through WMI. The relevant section should look like this:

      host.name: localhost
      host.type: windows
        timeout: 120

Open the C:\ProgramData\metricshub\config\metricshub.yaml file and search for the above section to verify that the configuration is active.

If you wish to use a protocol other than WMI (such as HTTP, PING, SNMP, SSH, IPMI, WBEM, or WinRM), refer to the configuration examples provided in C:\ProgramData\metricshub\config\metricshub.yaml.

Configure Prometheus to receive MetricsHub data

In the same configuration file (C:\ProgramData\metricshub\config\metricshub.yaml), add the below configuration under the otel section to push metrics to Prometheus:

  otel.exporter.otlp.metrics.endpoint: http://localhost:9090/api/v1/otlp/v1/metrics
  otel.exporter.otlp.metrics.protocol: http/protobuf

Step 4: Start Prometheus and MetricsHub

Start Prometheus

  1. Run the below command as administrator to access the directory where Prometheus is installed:

    cd "C:\Program Files\Prometheus"
  2. Run the below command to start Prometheus:

    prometheus.exe --config.file=prometheus.yml --web.console.templates=consoles --web.console.libraries=console_libraries --storage.tsdb.retention.time=10m --storage.tsdb.path=/ --web.enable-lifecycle --web.enable-remote-write-receiver --web.route-prefix=/ --enable-feature=exemplar-storage --enable-feature=otlp-write-receiver
  3. Type localhost:9090[3] in your Web browser.

Start the Metricshub Agent

Run the below command as administrator to start the MetricsHub Agent:

cd "C:\Program Files\MetricsHub"

Step 5: Perform Last Checks

Verify that metrics are sent to Prometheus

In Prometheus[3], search for any metrics starting with metricshub_ or hw_ to confirm that data is actually received.

Check Logs

Several log files are created under C:\Users\{Username}\AppData\Local\metricshub\logs as soon as the MetricsHub Agent is started:

  • a global MetricsHub log file
  • one log file per configured host.

You can configure the log level in the C:\ProgramData\metricshub\config\metricshub.yaml file by setting the loggerLevel parameter to:

  • info for high level information
  • warn for logging warning messages that indicate potential issues which are not immediately critical
  • all, trace, or debug for more comprehensive details
  • error or fatal for identifying critical issues.

The most common errors you may encounter are:

  1. Incorrect Indentation

    An incorrect indentation in the metricshub.yaml file prevents the MetricsHub Agent from starting and generates the following exception in the metricshub-agent-global-error-{timestamp}.log file:

    [2024-04-30T15:56:16,944][ERROR][o.s.m.a.MetricsHubAgentApplication] Failed to start MetricsHub Agent.
    com.fasterxml.jackson.dataformat.yaml.snakeyaml.error.MarkedYAMLException: mapping values are not allowed here in 'reader', line 29, column 16:
  2. Wrong Host Configuration

    The following entry will be created in the metricshub-agent-{hostname}-{timestamp}.log file if the host configured cannot be reached:

    [o.s.m.e.c.h.NetworkHelper] Hostname {hostname} - Could not resolve the hostname to a valid IP address. The host is considered remote.

    If the host is correctly configured, ensure it is reachable by pinging it and testing your network.

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